- В. Димитров, Л. Попов. Метод за пълна оперативна идентификация на инерционни обекти с изменящи се параметри
- Е. Димитрова. Диспечерска GPS система за мониторинг и управление в автомобилния транспорт
- В. Христов, С. Петров. Управление на система за следене на слънцето чрез микроконтролер Ардуино
- автоматика
С. Лекова, Д. Гочева. Статистически анализ на данни от измерване - Т. Тодоров. Идентификация на слънчогледово олио със система електронен нос
- Р. Райнова, М. Лазарова, А. Алексиева-Петрова. Многослойна мултимодална архитектура за управление на процеси при разпознаване на емоции
- В. Вълканов, М. Петров. Приложение на блокови вериги за следене и съхранение на активности в сферата на образованието
Key Words: Statistical analysis of data; linear and rank correlation; analysis of variance.
Abstract. Good laboratory practice requires laboratories to ensure the quality of analyzes and assess the extent of human exposure to different chemicals and reagents. The subject of research and analysis are data from measurement of samples between two laboratories, by two different methods, in the processing of ore in the Ellatzite-Med AD Mine Complex. Of particular importance is the reliable measurement of the products (concentrations) from the flotation process (content of copper in the ore, intermediate products, concentrate and waste) as well as the production of molybdenum (feed, concentrate and waste). As a result of the sampling and depending on the characteristic to be determined and the test method, the concentration of the identifiable element is measured differently and with different technical means. The statistical analysis of data of parallel measurements from two or three laboratories involves calculating a linear or rank correlation and analyzing how significant the influence of a laboratory factor is, as well as studying and modeling the relationship between the presence of chemical elements in the ore, waste and concentrate in the process of laboratory control.