М. Хаджийски. Киберсигурност на индустриалните системи за управление

Статията е 1 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words: Advanced control; cyber security; industrial control system; networked control; resilience; simulation.

Abstract. An overview of the problems, research efforts and recent results on cyber security of Industrial Control Systems is provided. The interaction between the basic control sub-systemsthe advanced control of the plant, the system for predictive safety maintenance and the cyber-security control system is considered. In the paper is shown that cyber security should be treated as a holistic problem and could be successfully solved if tight integration of technological, organizational and human aspects will be achieved. Several approaches for design of contra-actions via implementation   simulation and Artificial Intelligence-based technologies are analyzed. Some problems of attack-resilient control of Industrial Control Systems are discussed.


С. Йорданов, Г. Михалев. Система за отчитане на производителността на труда в реално време, базирана на контролер ESP32

Статията е 2 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words:  Internet of Things (IoT); Wi-Fi module ESP32; Arduino IDE development environment; LPWAN technologies; electronic accounting technologies.

Abstract.  In this paper, an ESP32 application in implementing systems for automated reporting of the utilization rate of production capacities in real time is considered. A technical solution of remote control and monitoring of the production process in a textile company, through a dedicated module for sending the time spent on a remote server via Wi-Fi, Lan or Bluetooth is proposed. The obtained information is used to control the production process in real time and determination of the remuneration of workers.


В. Боишина. Ситуационно предсказващо управлeние на енергийни системи

Статията е 3 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words: Distributed diagnosis; supervisor control; case base reasoning; predictive control.

Abstract. The research is mainly focused of using of possibility to collect the historical information about the behavior of the control system. The main focus is to illustrate using of the Case Base Predictive Control, which optimizes the way of choosing the optimal way of control of the system in respect of taking the decisions according to the historical experience about system behavior and fast changing outdoor parameters. The paper described forming of cases which describing different system situations and the appropriate way of choosing of the right way of system control. The proposed research represented the possibility to aplly Case Base Reasoning (CBR), based on the previous knowledge about system behavior and possible system disturbances caused from different environment changes (climatic and economic ones). The research propose the way of optimizing the control of energetic control system based on previous known cases.


В. Алексиева, Х. Вълчанов. Система за откриване на ботнет атаки, базирана на генетични алгоритми

Статията е 4 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words: Botnet attacks; DoS attacks; intrusion detecting system; genetic algorithms.

Abstract.  One of the most common attacks against information security is Botnet. Recognizing such attacks requires the development of effective security systems. Intrusion detection systems collect information from different sources in computer systems and networks. For most systems, this information is compared to predefined patterns of abuse to identify attacks and vulnerabilities. Much of the existing host-based systems for botnet detection use techniques based on anomalies or rules. This paper presents some aspects of the implementation of a host-based botnet attack detection system. The system uses an anomaly detection technique based on a genetic algorithm.


постижения и приложения
М. Господинов, Е. Господинова. Математически анализ на линейните и нелинейните свойства на електрокардиологични данни

Статията е 5 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words: HRV; ECG; linear analysis; non-linear analysis; Poincaré plot.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the mathematical analysis of the linear and nonlinear properties of heart rate variability (HRV) determined by digital electrocardiological data. The advantage of the mathematical methods used is their ability to detect minor cardiovascular abnormalities and a way to evaluate the overall functional capabilities of the body. The quantitative dimensions of the studied parameters when using linear mathematical methods of analysis have significant clinical application because the boundaries of norm-pathology are known. The application of non-linear mathematical methods in data analysis provides additional information on the physiological status of patients. The article presents the results of the linear analysis of the studied data in the frequency domain and the results of the nonlinear analysis by applying the Poincare graphical method, which allows the doctors to see the whole electrocardiological record at a glance and quickly detect cardiovascular disorders if there are some. The analysis of HRV by applying linear and nonlinear methods provides ample opportunity for clinical and research applications.


постижения и приложения
П. Лебамовски, Е. Петков. Изучаване на стереометрия в средния курс на обучение посредством 3D технологии

Статията е 6 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Key Words: 3D modeling; dynamic software; research approach; stereometry.

Abstract.  The article presents a new approach to the training of students in Stereometry in the secondary schools. The aim is to create an application that presents the learning material of the textbooks in a way that is easily understood by learners while at the same time excites them and motivates them for new knowledge. Graphics are presented which can be implemented in two ways: solid and wireframe (transparent), their advantages and disadvantages are considered. An analysis of 3D modeling techniques such as LOD (Level of Details), voxels and sweep representation is also done. The study highlights the advantage of the system, which is the stereoscopic perspective. Its implementation is realized by a system without immersion or projector. The constructivism and the connectivism are considered as suitable methodologies in case of application-based training in mathematics.


новости, информация, общество
Шеста международна IEEE конференция „Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering – BdKCSE’2019“

Статията е 7 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 4, 2018 г.

Шестата международна конференция „Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering“ за първи път се проведе с техническото спонсорство на Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE, в периода 21-22 ноември 2019 г. в Националния дом на науката и техниката на ул. Раковски 108, София.

Организатори на конференцията са Институтът по информационни и комуникационни технологии при БАН, Съюзът по автоматика и информатика „Джон Атанасов“ и ФНТС. Изнесените доклади ще бъдат представени за публикуване в библиотеката на IEEE Explore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Xplore/home.jsp). Абстрактите на статиите са публикувани в “Book of Abstracts” (ISSN: 2367-6450) и се качват на сайта на конференцията http://conference.ott-iict.bas.bg/.
