обучение и квалификация
Н. Дишовски, П. Русков, С. Терзиева-Желязкова, От теория към практика: трансфер и комерсиализация на научни изследвания в Химикотехнологичния и металургичен университет

Статията е 3 от 10 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 1, 2024 г.


Key Words: Education; sciences; IP; technology transfer; technology commercialization.
Abstract. The article studies a training model that includes the development, planning, organization, and implementation of training on the topic „Technology transfer and commercialization of technologies“ at University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM). The purpose of the article is to present the process and content of the training conducted with the support of the BiOrgaMCT project. The article also includes and discusses the learning outcomes and plans for future development of technology transfer and commercialization of scientific research at UCTM. The following concepts were awarded as projects with serious opportunities for technology transfer and commercialization: Development of advanced materials and technical ceramics for special purposes, Clean technologies and utilization of waste from plant raw materials and wastewater, Development of biologically active molecules for multi-target therapies and Creation of a new, regenerative material from used textiles for cleaning up oil pollution.The lesson learned is that the course was very useful, both in relation to the realization of the project on which it was organized, and in view of the future development of the university as a research institution. That is why we believe that similar education can be successfully implemented in other higher education institutions in Bulgaria.

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