- М. Хаджийски. Интегриране на системи за вземане на решения и системи за управление
- автоматика
Н. Делийски, Д. Ангелски, П. Вичев, Н. Тумбаркова. Изчисляване на енергийния разход и КПД на автоклави при пропарване на дървени призми по режими с диспечерска намеса в тях - И. Велкова. Обработка и анализ на неструктурирани данни с помощта на изкуствен интелект
- М. Ковачева. Оценка на NoSQL бази данни за внедряване на цифрови финансови услуги
- Доц. д-р инж. Георги Тодоров на 75 години
- Доц. д-р инж. Трайчо Пензов
Кey Words: Non-frozen wooden prisms; unsteady models; autoclave steaming; energy consumption; energy efficiency; dispatching interference; veneer production.
Abstract. An approach for computing the energy consumption and energy efficiency of autoclaves for intensive steaming of non-frozen wooden prisms at limited heat power of the steam generator in cases of dispatching intervention into the temperature-time parameters of steaming regimes in order to obtain a duration that is suitable for the subsequent cutting of the veneer from the heated plasticized prisms has been presented. The approach is based on the use of two personal mathematical models: 2D non-linear model of the unsteady distribution of the temperature in the cross-section of non-frozen prismatic wood materials subjected to heating at conductive boundary conditions and consequent conditioning in an air environment, and model of the non-stationary thermal balance of autoclaves for steaming wood materials. For numerical solving of the models and practical application of the suggested approach, a software package was prepared in the calculation environment of Visual FORTRAN Professional developed by Microsoft and operating under Windows. Using this package computations and research of the change in the energy consumption and energy efficiency of steaming autoclaves for plasticizing of non-frozen beech prisms before cutting them into veneer have been carried out. The variables used during the simulations were equal, as follows: an initial wood temperature of 0 °C, moisture content of 0.6 kg·kg−1, and cross-section dimensions of the beech prisms 0.4 × 0.4 m; steaming autoclave with inner diameter of 2.4 m, length of its cylindrical part of 9.0 m, and loading level with prisms of 50%; limited heat power of 500 kW of the generator, which feeds the autoclave with saturated water steam. The calculations were carried out for the cases of reducing by the dispatcher the maximum temperature of the basic steaming regime from 130 °C to 120, 110, and 100 °C in the 3rd , 7th , and 11th hour of this regime. The suggested approach can be applied for creation of software for systems used for computing and model-based automatic realization of energy-efficient regimes for autoclave steaming of non-frozen wood materials with desired duration set by the dispatcher.