И. Петров. Йерархия на структурата на енергийните баланси

Статията е 3 от 10 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 1-2, 2021 г.


Key Words: Information theory; entropy; hierarchy; energy mix; renewable energies.

Abstract. The dynamics of development and distribution of resources are key questions for characterizing the complexity of systems in a large number of areas. Traditionally, the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, computer science, telecommunications, and others) have used Shannon’s information theory and the concept of entropy to assess diversity, uncertainty, and chaos. Social sciences (economics, competition law, etc.) prefer to consider these issues from the opposite point of view – the concentration of resources, reflecting the dominance and hierarchy in competition interactions. Energy systems are a typical example of complex and dynamic systems and their study is of particular interest in theoretical and practical terms. Becoming the engine of innovation in energy technologies, renewable energy sources play an important role in the evolution and dynamics of energy balances at the international, national and local levels. The article presents the possibilities of the original method developed by the author for estimating the hierarchy of information, its advantages in comparison with the traditional methods of Shannon’s entropy and Herfindahl concentration and its application for improving the analysis of energy balances and the role of renewable energy sources.

Навигация в броя<< M. Хаджийски, Н. Делийски. Интелигентно управление на процеса на топлинно обработване на дървесина при променливи производствени разписания. Част 2. Интелигентно управление на операционния мениджмънтЛ. Боянов. Предаване на данни от интернет на обектите – подходи и протоколи >>