С много болка съобщаваме, че на 18 април 2024 г. след тежко боледуване ни напусна нашата скъпа колежка инж. Евгения Димитрова (Жени).
Категория: Списание Автоматика и информатика
in memoriam
Проф. д-р хонорис кауза Ото Спаниол (1945-2023)
На 10 декември 2023 г. ни напусна проф. д-р хонорис кауза Ото Спаниол. Той е роден в Otzenhausen, Германия на 11 април 1945 г. През 1968 г. завършва Заарланския университет в Заарбрюкен със специалност математика и физика. Започва научната си кариера като изследовател и асистент професор във Факултета по компютърни науки. През 1971 г. защитава научната степен PhD по математика в Университета в Заарбрюкен. В периода 1972-1974 г. е назначен за кандидат професор в университета, а от 1976 до 1981 г. е избран за доцент по операционни системи в гр. Бон. През 1981 г. постъпва като професор в университета във Франкфурт на Майн по същото научно направление. От 1984 г. Ото Спаниол е редовен професор по комуникационни и разпределени системи в университета в град Аахен, Германия.
in memoriam
Доц. д-р Красимир Янев (1944-2023)
На 15 ноември 2023 г. ни напусна нашият колега, съратник и приятел Красимир Христов Янев. Той е роден на 24 октомври 1944 г. в Пловдив в семейството на лекари. Завършва средното си образование и през 1962 г. постъпва в Електротехническия факултет на Словашкия технически университет в Братислава. През 1968 г. се дипломира с отличен успех със специалност автоматика и управление и специализира една година в института по Техническа кибернетика на Словашката академия на науките, където разработва входно-изходна система на специализирана ЕИМ-RPP-16.
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Нови професори в областта на автоматиката и информатиката
Обучение и квалификации
Камен Спасов е завършил средно образование в 35-а гимназия с преподаване на руски език, София през 1977 г. През 1984 г. завършва Химикотехнологичния и металургичен университет (ХТМУ) с магистърска степен по автоматизация на производството, където през 1992 г. защитава докторска дисертация на тема „Математическо моделиране и управление на процесите при извънпещна обработка на стомана“.
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IEEE International Conference Automatics and Informatics’2023 (ICAI’23), 5-7 октомври 2023 г., Варна
Ежегодната международна конференция IEEE International Conference Automatics and Informatics’23 (ICAI’23), продължение на традиционната Международна конференция „Автоматика и информатика“, се проведе в периода 5-7 октомври 2023 г. с домакин Техническия университет – Варна. Тя е едно от основните мероприятия в Дните на Джон Атанасов, провеждани традиционно под патронажа на президента на Република България с цел представяне и популяризиране на резултатите от научните изследвания в областта на автоматиката и информатиката.
новости, информация, общество
120 години от рождението на Джон Атанасов
Съюзът по автоматика и информатика (САИ) „Джон Атанасов“ отбеляза 120-годишнината от рождението на своя патрон в Дните на Джон Атанасов
И. Ламбов, Децентрализирана идентичност: последни научни постижения и приложения
Key Words: Reusable identity; decentralized identity; self-sovereign identity; web3 identity; zero-knowledge proofs; trust models.
Abstract. The trajectory of decentralized identity, anchored in the principles of self-sovereign identity (SSI), Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), and verifiable credentials, holds the potential to redefine the contours of the digital landscape. This paradigm shift not only signifies a pivotal transformation but also heralds the advent of an epoch characterized by heightened trust, enhanced privacy, and fortified security. This article presents the major scientific developments and applications of 2023 in the field of Decentralized Identity. Decentralized identity (DID) continues to witness significant progress, with 2023 shaping up as a year of noteworthy scientific advancements and impactful applications. This article delves into the major developments that have propelled the field forward. Firstly, we explore the evolution of DID specifications and standards. We examine the progress of ongoing initiatives like the W3C DID Working Group and the Hyperledger Aries framework, highlighting their contributions to interoperability and secure identity management. Secondly, we review the existing publications on the subject and categorize them based on the nature and focus of the research. This classification scheme provides a framework for understanding the diverse facets of scientific research on Decentralized Identity. It highlights the multidisciplinary nature of SSI research, which spans computer science, cryptography, engineering, etc. Another approach we took in the classification of the scientific publications on SSI, especially the more technologically focused studies, was based on the working groups, operating within the DIF. Thirdly, we delve into the security and privacy advancements in 2023. This section explores novel research on zero-knowledge proofs for DID systems, privacy-preserving credential issuance, and techniques for mitigating security vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the article examines the social and economic impacts of DID implementations. We analyze case studies and emerging applications across various sectors like healthcare, supply chain management, and education, highlighting how DID is transforming trust models and empowering individuals. Finally, we discuss the challenges and future directions for the field. This section considers the need for scalability, regulatory frameworks, and broader adoption to unlock the full potential of DID. By synthesizing these key aspects, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of DID, showcasing its scientific advancements and diverse applications in 2023. It aims to inform researchers, practitioners, and policymakers about the transformative potential of DID and the ongoing efforts to shape a more secure and user-centric future for digital identity management.
обучение и квалификация
Н. Дишовски, П. Русков, С. Терзиева-Желязкова, От теория към практика: трансфер и комерсиализация на научни изследвания в Химикотехнологичния и металургичен университет
Key Words: Education; sciences; IP; technology transfer; technology commercialization.
Abstract. The article studies a training model that includes the development, planning, organization, and implementation of training on the topic „Technology transfer and commercialization of technologies“ at University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM). The purpose of the article is to present the process and content of the training conducted with the support of the BiOrgaMCT project. The article also includes and discusses the learning outcomes and plans for future development of technology transfer and commercialization of scientific research at UCTM. The following concepts were awarded as projects with serious opportunities for technology transfer and commercialization: Development of advanced materials and technical ceramics for special purposes, Clean technologies and utilization of waste from plant raw materials and wastewater, Development of biologically active molecules for multi-target therapies and Creation of a new, regenerative material from used textiles for cleaning up oil pollution.The lesson learned is that the course was very useful, both in relation to the realization of the project on which it was organized, and in view of the future development of the university as a research institution. That is why we believe that similar education can be successfully implemented in other higher education institutions in Bulgaria.
Г. Михалев, С. Йорданов, Х. Стойчева, Приложение на алгоритми за сегментиране при реконструкцията на 3D сцена от изображения
Key Words: 3D reconstruction; Structure From Motion (SFM); Image segmentation; Robotics.
Abstract. The technique of 3D reconstruction of real scenes from images represents a significant advancement in visual technologies, offering the potential for the development of numerous new applications in various engineering fields. In general, 3D reconstruction from images is a computer process that utilizes a set of two-dimensional images captured from different angles and positions to create a three-dimensional model of the scene or object. By analyzing features such as key points, comparing their positions, and applying geometric principles, this process transforms the images into three-dimensional representations with spatial information. The complexity of 3D scene reconstruction from images arises from the need to detect points of interest, match and track them across different images, as well as analyze and merge multiple visual data from different perspectives. This article proposes the use of simpler image processing algorithms to obtain more points of interest, providing a more accurate 3D model without overburdening the reconstruction process with complex computational procedures. The investigated methods implement image segmentation through the first and second derivatives of the image intensity function to determine and separate edges and boundaries in the image. A practical implementation of 3D reconstruction of real scenes from images in the Matlab environment is presented. In the implementation, algorithms based on the first and second derivatives of the image intensity function are used to achieve a denser 3D model by segmenting images to detect edges and boundaries. The investigated algorithms are implemented in the stage of discovering properties in the image. Some of the most well-known algorithms have been tested and compared with the use of the standard SURF algorithm. The algorithms from this class have significantly improved results, with the density of the 3D model increased several times compared to the number of generated points, and in some cases, the execution time remains the same relative to the percentage ratio of the generated 3D points.
К. Бошнаков, Трансфер на научни разработки за системи за управление от лабораториите към индустрията. Тематично обобщение въз основа на публикации на Industry Committee на IFAC и IEEE Control Systems Society
Key Words: Academic research; technology transfer; validation and technology transfer; validation steps and tools.
Abstract. This thematic summary is based on publications of the Industry Committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), T. Samad et al., Industry engagement with control research: Perspective and messages, Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 49, pp. 1–14, 2020 and IEEE Control Systems Society: Control for Societal-Scale Challenges: Road Map 2030, published May 2023. The main goal of both developments is to bridge the gap between academia and industry. Based on IFAC Industry Committee discussions, surveys and research, 10 messages to the research community have been formulated. The road from academic research to industrial incorporation is difficult and lengthy. It is argued that the lack of validation is a major obstacle to the transfer of technologies developed as a result of academic research, and in practice the academic community can play a crucial role in the validation process. Five steps in validation and tools for each step are identified, and recommendations are presented to advance validation and facilitate the transition to innovation and technology transfer in the short, medium and long term.
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Клуб САИ през 2023 г.
Клуб САИ продължава да е едно от най-привлекателните и популярни мероприятия на САИ. Наред с чисто човешките, колегиални и професионални контакти представянето на фирми и постижения на колеги в областта на автоматиката и информатиката позволява членовете на САИ да се запознаят с актуални теми в науката и реалната икономика в предметната област на Съюза.
обучение и квалификация
M. Хаджийски, Р. Калтенборн, Персонализирано обучение на базата на изкуствен интелект като предизвикателство за съвременните образователни системи
Key Words: Personalized learning in education; evolution of modern personalized education; potential possibilities of personalized learning systems; possible ways to implement effective personalized training; artificial intelligence.
Abstract. The article provides a critical analysis of the achievements and insufficiently convincing results of the multi-year attempts to introduce personalized education in educational structures of different types. The evolution of personalized learning systems with varying degrees of student involvement in the functioning of the system is discussed. The great potential possibilities of personalized learning systems emphasizing the active role of students are discussed. Two variants of metastructures have been developed for the implementation of personalized training – component and functional. The main dimensions within which personalized learning systems can be treated with a view to determining their weights in multifactor optimization are derived. Possible ways to implement effective personalized training are analyzed. The notion that personalized learning can meet the challenges of the time is substantiated if it is treated as a holistic problem with a large dimension, with student-centered functioning, with finding an optimal combination of algorithms, applications and procedures in technological implementation, with a new level of competence of teachers and students in the field of artificial intelligence, with direct corporate interest for a long time horizon.
моделиране и управление на енергийни системи
Т. Радева, Използване на фотоволтаична енергия за собствени нужди за Образователен център за извънкласни дейности и култура
Key Words: Photovoltaic systems; solar power generation; educational institutions; design engineering; energy management.
Abstract. The solar modules that are produced have a rather fragile structure and must therefore be mechanically protected on both sides. For this purpose, a so-called sandwich structure is used, in which the photovoltaics are placed on a solid base and covered with a transparent upper protective layer. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the materials of the upper and lower protective layers must be the same and, moreover, comparable to that of the photovoltaic cell and the bonding resin used. Currently, the most widely used materials are glass and plastic. Photocells sealed under glass have the advantage that they do not change their optical, mechanical and electrical properties during prolonged outdoor operation. Polymers cannot prevent the penetration of moisture, so they are only suitable when the photovoltaics and metal contacts are protected by an anti-corrosion coating. Plastics are lighter than glass, but they have the effect of aging with prolonged exposure to atmospheric conditions, which strongly affects their qualities. The upper transparent protective layer allows easy cleaning of the solar cells, but during their installation, they must be placed in such a way as to avoid their heavy contamination and the retention of snow on them. This is practically achieved by the southern orientation of the panels and their placement at an angle corresponding to the latitude of the site, as well as taking into account the season of operation. Some panels are oriented to the southwest so that they can produce the necessary energy for the afternoon maximum. For most locations, a slope angle close to horizontal will provide the most energy year-round. The cells used today have an efficiency of 3-20% in converting solar energy into electricity. A photovoltaic generator is a set of modules that convert solar energy into direct current (DC) electricity. It consists of a module formed by several photovoltaic cells, connecting several such modules form a panel, and several panels connected together form an array. Connecting several arrays electrically in parallel forms a photovoltaic generator or photovoltaic park. By connecting a certain number of photovoltaic cells in parallel and in series, any desired power can be obtained. The main element of the photovoltaic generator is the photovoltaic cell, where the conversion of solar radiation into flowing electric current takes place. The present work presents a practical task of a photovoltaic energy system for a public educational building. The purpose of the case study is to provide technical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the building, according to the technical specification and the current regulations. Public school buildings are mainly used during the daylight hours, where solar energy will be used for self-consumption.
моделиране и управление на енергийни системи
Н. Делийски, Л. Дзуренда, Д. Ангелски, П. Вичев, К. Атанасова. Изчисляване на енергийния разход и КПД на бетонни ями при проваряване на трупи за производството на фурнир
Кey Words: Concrete pits; non-frozen logs; boiling; energy consumption; energy efficiency; veneer production.
Abstract. An approach for computing the energy consumption and energy efficiency of pits during boiling of non-frozen logs intended for veneer production has been presented. The approach is based on the use of two personal mathematical models: 1D non-linear model of the unsteady distribution of the temperature along the radius in the central cross section of non-frozen logs subjected to boiling at conductive boundary conditions, and model of the thermal balance of concrete pits during boiling of wood materials in them. For numerical solving of the models and practical application of the suggested approach, a software packages were prepared in the calculation environment of Visual FORTRAN Professional and in Excel respectively. With the help of the first model, the boiling times of beech logs with a diameter of 0.4 m, initial temperature of 0, 10, and 20 °C and moisture content of 0.6 kg∙kg-1 were determined at water temperatures in the pit equal to 70, 80, and 90 °C. Using the determined logs’ boiling durations, with the help of the second model the change in energy required for the entire boiling process and that for each of the components of the thermal balance was calculated. Computer simulations were performed for a well-insulated concrete pit with working volume of 20 m3 and degree of filling it with logs 45%, 60%, and 75%. It was found that the energy consumption of the pit decreases from 159.7 to 145.3 kWh·m-3 when the initial temperature of the logs increases from 0 °C to 20 °C at temperature of the boiling water of 80 °C and maximum possible degree of feeling of 75%. In this case, the thermal efficiency of the pit decreases from 32.2% to 26.1%. It was found also that at the same degree of feeling of the pit the increase in the boiling water temperature from 70 °C to 90 °C causes an increase in the energy consumption of the pit from 135.3 to 170.9 kWh·m-3 when the initial temperature of the logs is equal to 10 °C. Under these conditions the thermal efficiency of the pit decreases from 29.9% to 28.8%. The approach can be applied to compute the energy consumption and thermal balances of concrete pits during boiling of non-frozen logs to any desired final average mass temperature required for the mechanical processing of the plasticized wood. It could be easily modified and used to calculate the energy consumption and efficiency of concrete pits of any design and construction parameters.
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24-а международна конференция „Компютърни системи и технологии“ CompSysTech’23, 16-17 юни 2023 г., Русе
CompSysTech’23 е двадесет и четвъртото издание на Международната конференция по компютърни системи и технологии. Конференцията се проведе на 16-17 юни 2023 г. в Русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев“, Русе. CompSysTech’23 се организира под патронажа на: Министерството на образованието и науката на България. Съюз по автоматика и информатика „Джон Атанасов” със съдействието на ФНТС. Русенски университет „Ангел […]
екологични системи
З. Радева. Анализ на данни за растителни видове при изграждане на онтология за интелигентна система за българска дива, културна и защитена флора
Key Words: Development of Ontology; Semantic WEB; WEB Protégé; Plant Ontology; Bulgarian flora; Biodiversity; Botany; Flora-oriented plant ontology.
Abstract. On the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria there are many plants, which are known as Bulgarian flora. The diverse vascular plants in Bulgaria with estimated enourmous number of no less than 3700 species. Bulgarian flora including a wide variety of plant species and their natural habitats. The existing information about them is collected in various sources with a rather heterogeneous structure for representing information about terms or specific terminology. In order to facilitate the integration and analysis of the information contained in the various sources describing the plant flora in our country, in this paper we presents our methodology for describing , gathering and development of a model of ontology, useful for context of semantic web tehnologies. The ontology in specific domain area, as is in area of different types of species in Bulgarian flora give us opportunity to represent plant species through building an intelligent system for Bulgarian wild, cultivated and protected flora. The work presents the analysis of plant species data in development of an ontology for an intelligent system for Bulgarian wild, cultivated and protected flora. Domain ontologies express conceptualization that is specific for particular area and presented by greatly useful in knowledge acquisition, sharing and analysis, ecspecially on the web discover knowledge for plant across all disciplines of botany. A mixed method was applied in organizing of the specification of conceptualizations on flora of Bulgaria
using the domain analytic approach in order for developing an ontology. The model of ontology has been constructed by using ontology editor in open-source software Protégé. In this paper, we propose a prototype of model of ontology and describe the research methods including domain analysis for knowledge organization and ontology development, as results of classification of Bulgarian flora based on specialized literature and encyclopedia of plants in Bulgaria, floral characteristics and area of their distribution which are divided into different concepts of plant information.
There are included block diagrams for the stages involved in the construction of an ontology for an intelligent system for Bulgarian flora are presented some conceptual terms of botany aspects of the Bulgarian plant species. The paper presents the first results of data analysis of building an intelligent system by ontology for wild, cultivated and protected flora.
екологични системи
Л. Джусуфи (ЛД), С. ДЖафа (CДЖ). Технологии за интелигентна водна инфраструктура за внедряване на проект за интелигентен град в Прищина
Key Words: Smart City; Smart Water System (SWS); Smart Water Infrastructure Technologies (SWIT); GIS; DMA; NRW.
Abstract. Over the next decade, urban populations and the need for clean water will continue to grow. Cities are forced to find intelligent solutions for the rational use of clean water using Smart Water Infrastructure Technologies (SWIT). The Smart Water System is an important component, along with other components, with the particular importance to complete the implementation of the Smart
City concept. Most of the Smart City projects have a relatively short history and often the level of their impact is not clear. Cities are getting smarter every day, using information and communication technologies to enrich and enhance city life. Some cities in the Western Balkans have started implementing Smart City, some are in the feasibility study phase and some are in the planning phase of starting implementation. Before implementing a Smart City project, it is necessary to understand not only the potential impact of the project but also the priorities and the specific problems that are trying to be solved. For this reason, this paper will provide information about the level of Smart Water Infrastructure Technologies that are installed in Pristina Water Company to implement a Smart City Project in Pristina. The objective of this paper is to present an assessment of the current situation in the application of Smart Water Infrastructure Technologies in the Pristina Region and to provide a summary of potential key recommendations for the integration of such technologies the Smart Water System control for Smart Cities.
интелигентни системи
Е. Монова. Предсказване на поведението на хаотична система чрез невронна мрежа в MATLAB
Key Words: Chaotic system; neural network.
Abstract. In the paper is proposed an approach for predicting the behavior of a chaotic system through a neural network trained in MATLAB. Variants of neural networks with one hidden layer and different number of neurons are also presented.
интелигентни системи
Р. Хрисчев, Н. Шакев. Вградени AI приложения в интелигентните облачни ERP системи
Key Words: ERP system; SAP Business Technology Platform; Cloud Oracle Infrastructure; AI services.
Abstract. SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) and Cloud Oracle Infrastructure (OCI) are the pioneers of the modern cloud intelligent ERP systems. This article presents investigation of the embedded services with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both ERP systems. The main functionalities with built-in AI are presented.
П. Благов, П. Русков. Изграждане и развитие на Европейската инфраструктура за блокчейн услуги EBSI и на EBSI продукционни възли
Key Words: EBSI; Node Expansion.
Abstract. The article examines the current state and the EC project for building EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) production nodes. The main characteristics and architecture of the EBSI platform are presented. The EBSI – NE – Node Expansion project involving the authors to maintain and develop the nodes is described. The EBSI – NE – Node Expansion, Deployment of EBSI production nodes, and provision of support services to the EBSI network at the European level project will further develop the blockchain nodes in the EU and help build capacity for using the technology. The objective of the EBSI-NE consortium is to support the development and adoption of the EBSI network at the European level by increasing the number of validator nodes in the production network and the provision of support services for all relevant EBSI stakeholders. These actions will increase the robustness and maturity of the production network of EBSI, enabling the development of the prioritized EBSI cross-border use cases. The consortium is made of 24 organizations from 14 European countries including government agencies, public institutions, and academia which have extensive experience related to Distributed Ledger Technologies and past EBSI ecosystem initiatives, including the deployment of pre-production nodes. It is within the program DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02, Project ID: 101102570. The tasks and expected results of the project are also presented.