моделиране и управление на енергийни системи
В. Боишина. Прилагане на машинно обучение при управление на енергийни обекти

Статията е 3 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 2, 2023 г.

Key Words: SISO; power plant; Machine Learning; PID control; error assessments.

Abstract. The research is focused on possibility of applying the Machine Learning (ML) approach, which is using previous data knowledge for the energy system and monitored process values for control behaviour. The main focus of the research is to make assessments for the quality of the control process by comparing the classical PID Control algorithm and Machine Learning Control (ML) one. The investigation is based on possibility to apply supervisor Machine Learning Control to Single Input Single Output (SISO) Power Plant. In the current research the previous information about the system data (manipulated, control, output variables and system states) are used for forming the training sets which is used for performing the Machine Learning Control. Some simulation results illustrating the behaviour of the power system, which is controlled via ML and PID have been presented. The research gives some assessments about the quality of the control by assumption for presence of low and big system disturbances and uncertainties, which may occur in energy system. In current paper applying the supervisor ML algorithm is only under consideration. The steady describes the basic architecture of developed software system implementing the SISO Plant Control. The research gives assessments for four cases – PID and ML control with low disturbances, PID and ML control with big disturbances. Some assessments about system behavior have been made with possibility to overfeed the training set applying big uncorrelated data. The software system is released with java and weka ML library. Realization of system program modules and architecture of the system has been presented.


моделиране и управление на енергийни системи
Т. Радева. Етапи и мерки при изготвяне на доклад за енергийна ефективност на Образователен център

Статията е 4 от 7 в списание АВТОМАТИКА И ИНФОРМАТИКА 2, 2023 г.

Key Words: Energy efficiency; survey; costs.

Abstract. The object of the study is treated as an integrated system, consisting of a building, systems for ensuring the microclimate, inhabitants and modes of habitation, climatic eff ects of the environment. The source information required for the analysis was gathered from existing documentation and surveying. In solving the task, the following methods and procedures were used and applied: interviews with owners; inspections; modeling and simulation of energy transfer processes; calculations. The source information required for the analysis was collected from: existing documentation; recordings. Solving the task is implemented in the following sequence of actions: analysis of the existing situation; formation of the necessary database for modeling and simulation of energy transfer processes; creating models of real energy consumption; establishment of the main energy characteristics under normal mode of exploitation; simulating the energy transfer processes and revealing the potential possibilities for energy saving; generation of energy-saving measures and technical solutions for their implementation; technical-economic evaluation of prospective measures and their combinations; assessment of saved carbon dioxide emissions as a result of the implementation of measures to increase energy effi ciency. The presented material refl ects only the obtained results without going into detail the implementation of the individual stages.
