R. Hrischev. Information Security in Enterprise Resources Planning Systems (ERP)

Key Words: ERP systems; data security; security policy.

Abstract. This paper introduces Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems from its evolution through architecture to its products regarding the security point of view. ERP is a technology that integrates most business processes and covers all information flows in the organization. ERP is a prerequisite and tool with which the enterprise can automate its core business activities, reduce the complexity and cost of their interaction, force the company to start reengineering business processes to optimize its work and generate a successful business. But modern business is more and more open to communication with external organizations, especially through the Internet. Therefore ERP system is becoming a system with high vulnerability and high confidentiality, in which security is a critical aspect. The main characteristics of ERP systems are presented. The largest ERP vendors have already integrated their security solutions; many vendors are using specialized hardware and software solutions. The new e-business requires the development and implementation of e-features of ERP systems (e-orders, e-shop, e-store, e-invoice, etc.), focuses on business between companies and customers. New technologies – Cloud computing, IoT, Block Chain are opportunities to make ERP highly integrated, more intelligent, more collaborative, cloud-based. Based on the literature of the biggest developers of this type of systems are presented popular security solutions for ERP systems. The standard architecture of the systems, the security policies guaranteeing secure access to the information are presented. Methods for data transfer with remote access to the systems are considered. The evolution of database development from structured (SQL) via unstructured (NoSQL) to blockchain is shown. The methods for ensuring secure access to user information used by the developers of ERP systems, such as permissions, roles, authentication, are summarized. The main challenges to information security and the prospects for ensuring data security are outlined.

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А. Hristov, М. Nisheva, D. Dimov. An Introduction into Convolutional Neural Networks

Key Words: Convolutional neural networks; artificial neural networks; machine learning; object classification and recognition; computer vision.

Abstract. The field of machine learning has undergone rapid development with the rise of artificial neural networks (ANNs), over the past years. Some of the recently gained popularity models of the ANN are the so-called convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Impressive results in image recognition and object detection are achieved by the latest generation of CNN’s architectures, which unravel the significant interest in them from various professional communities. This paper presents the structure and basic principles of functioning and training of CNNs. The latest results in the field of development and application of such models have been discussed. The presentation has an informal, intuitive character and implies that the reader is familiar with the basics of machine learning and artificial neural networks.

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D. Ivanova, S. Zahov. Big Data Analytics of Ocean Water Masses in Internet of Things Ecosystem

Key Words: Internet of Things (IoT); big ocean data; machine learning; linear regression; SVM; Apache Spark; result analysis.

Abstract. The scientific paper has presented the various methods for collecting ocean data in Internet of Things Ecosystem. Most of the big ocean data is associated with sea surface temperature, water flows, air mass movement and their ocean-atmosphere interaction, sea level, sea-ice concentration, ocean topography and their impact on meteorological conditions. All these features of ocean data are of great importance and impact on climate change and its impact on human life. This paper is proposed a method for big data analytics and knowledge discovery of ocean water masses based on machine learning. The experimental framework is based on the Apache Spark environment and uses a PYTHON programming language optimized for big data processing. The experimental investigations have been performed using machine learning algorithms: linear regression and supporting vector machines. The paper has been presented the obtained results and their analysis.

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P. Kesova, I. Bachkova.Improving the Energy Management Systems Using Industrial Internet of Things

Key Words: Energy management systems; Internet of Things; optimization; ISO 50001; metallurgy plant.

Abstract. Energy management systems (EMS) are complete solutions for optimization of energy consumption and energy processes in enterprises. They encompass specialized hardware and software components and services directed towards monitoring, measurement and management of energy consumption. Тhe advanced Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm may be successfully used to improve the functionality and quality of EMS ensuring reliable data collection and sharing, ubiquitous computing, and computing clouds using powerful resources to solve a variety of decision-making and scheduling tasks that abound in the system. The basic requirements for advanced energy management systems based on the ISO 50001 standard are analyzed. The architecture and functionality of currently used energy management system for non-ferrous metallurgy plants are presented and the weaknesses of this system are analyzed. An improved framework of the energy management system based on the concept and technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things is proposed and discussed.

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B. Toskov, A. Toskova. Multi-agent Sensor Network

Key Words: JADEX intelligent agents; BDI architecture; MQTT communication; Internet of Things; WiFi sensor network.

Abstract. This publication presents an experimental model of the architecture of an intelligent guard system developed on the concept of IoT. The Guard System is part of the cyber-physical space of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv University. This model is built with JADEX intelligent agents and hardware sensors working on WiFi sensor network.

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V. Hadjiev, A. Rashidov. Overview and Analysis of Methods and Models for Data Structuring, Storage and Processing in the Internet

Key Words: Data-storage; Data-processing; Data-warehouse; Internet models; SWOT analysis; Cloud Database.

Abstract. This paper aims to review and analyze known models and methods for data structuring, storing and processing in the Internet. A SWOT analysis has been made to look at the strengths and weaknesses of known models.

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A. Panayotov, P. Ruskov. Implementing Cryptocurrency in Car Renting via Blockchain Protocol

Key Words: Cryptocurrency; blockchain; smart contract; protocol; car renting.

Abstract. Car renting is spreading, while cars are increasingly smart and connected allowing autonomous behavior like self-driving, self-parking, etc. The process of renting, however, is usually cumbersome, involves transfer of sensitive data, is not entirely digital, is heavily regulated and involves different parties directly or indirectly. Therefore, the security, validity and traceability of the data involved is of vital importance. In this paper the authors discuss the blockchain opportunity to innovate the car renting business and present a model where the process is digitalized, simplified and data authenticity and security are guaranteed by using blockchain protocols, smart contracts and cryptocurrency.

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V. Hadjiev, A. Rashidov. Overview and Analysis of Architectures for Data Structuring, Storage and Processing in the Cloud

Key Words: Data-storage; data-architectures; data-processing; data-warehouse; SWOT analysis; cloud architectures.

Abstract. This paper aims to review known architectures with application in data structuring, storage and processing. Concepts of architectures used in the construction of data warehouses have been discussed. A comparative analysis has been made, to look at the advantages and disadvantages of these architectures.

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R. Raynova, M. Lazarova, A. Aleksieva-Petrova. Multi Layered Multimodal Architecture for Emotion Recognition Processes Management

Key Words: Emotion recognition; emotion detection;intelligent agents; multimodal analyses;multilayered architecture.

Abstract. The paper presents different approaches for emotion detection and recognition. A system infrastructure for emotion recognition is suggested based on a multilayered multimodal architecture with intelligent agents. The agents have diverse goals, utilizes different modalities and employ various algorithms for emotion detection and recognition. Based on the results of the agents’ operation a neutral model of the multimodal input data is generated that is used for emotion recognition by detecting deformations with respect to the reconstructed model. The proposed system infrastructure allows autonomous operation, utilization of the most suitable recognition algorithms for certain input data and generation of neutral models for the examined object.

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