Key Words: Damask rose; drying speed; humidity, energy.
Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the duration of drying under atmospheric conditions of residual plant biomass generated during the annual contour pruning of the oil rose bushes. The contour pruning of the bushes was done after the completion of the rose bush. The cut biomass is rented from the inter-rows of the arrays. Results of an additional study of this biomass from the same massif stored in bundles in a closed, ventilated warehouse until the end of October are presented. The periods for reaching an air-dry state with a moisture content of 14.38% and below 10% have been determined. Based on the obtained results, a recommendation was made for the use of naturally dried plant biomass. In this way, there is no need for expensive equipment and energy to dry it and bring it into a suitable form for further processing and use.