Key Words:Development of Ontology; Semantic WEB; WEB Protégé; Plant Ontology; Bulgarian flora; Biodiversity; Botany; Flora-oriented plant ontology.
Abstract. On the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria there are many plants, which are known as Bulgarian flora. The diverse vascular plants in Bulgaria with estimated enourmous number of no less than 3700 species. Bulgarian flora including a wide variety of plant species and their natural habitats. The existing information about them is collected in various sources with a rather heterogeneous structure for representing information about terms or specific terminology. In order to facilitate the integration and analysis of the information contained in the various sources describing the plant flora in our country, in this paper we presents our methodology for describing , gathering and development of a model of ontology, useful for context of semantic web tehnologies. The ontology in specific domain area, as is in area of different types of species in Bulgarian flora give us opportunity to represent plant species through building an intelligent system for Bulgarian wild, cultivated and protected flora. The work presents the analysis of plant species data in development of an ontology for an intelligent system for Bulgarian wild, cultivated and protected flora. Domain ontologies express conceptualization that is specific for particular area and presented by greatly useful in knowledge acquisition, sharing and analysis, ecspecially on the web discover knowledge for plant across all disciplines of botany. A mixed method was applied in organizing of the specification of conceptualizations on flora of Bulgaria using the domain analytic approach in order for developing an ontology. The model of ontology has been constructed by using ontology editor in open-source software Protégé. In this paper, we propose a prototype of model of ontology and describe the research methods including domain analysis for knowledge organization and ontology development, as results of classification of Bulgarian flora based on specialized literature and encyclopedia of plants in Bulgaria, floral characteristics and area of their distribution which are divided into different concepts of plant information. There are included block diagrams for the stages involved in the construction of an ontology for an intelligent system for Bulgarian flora are presented some conceptual terms of botany aspects of the Bulgarian plant species. The paper presents the first results of data analysis of building an intelligent system by ontology for wild, cultivated and protected flora.